He’s on the run from something – men with masks and pursuing guard dogs – but the reasons why are unclear. This side scrolling adventure game follows a boy through a dark and twisted factory. If you like this, also try Sky: Children of the Light Your journey will send you climbing, sliding and flying across this mysterious landscape, all accompanied by one of the most immersive soundtracks in video game history. You are heading toward a distant mountaintop and the light at its peak. You play as a human-esque avatar traversing a beautiful desert filled with strange ruins. This game racked up awards when it was first released for good reason. If you’re looking for peace and relaxation, Journey’s the game for you. If you like this, also try The Beginners Guide.

Things get a bit more interesting when you reach a room with two doorways, and the narrator says, “When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.” But you’re in control of the game … aren’t you? What happens if you go through the door on the right? Your choices spiral from there in a mind-bending, hilarious adventure that comments on video games, the nature of freedom and the meaning of free will.

One day, you stand up from your desk and realize the office is completely empty. One of the best, if not the best, indie game ever. We put together this list of indie video games that are $20 or less, easy to download, and a worthwhile escape from these dark days.